“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action. Because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist and be lost.”
When I gave this exercise a go it led to me drawing a pie chart, which I call ‘My motivation and Confidence Pie’. Each chunk or slice of ‘pie’ I filled in with a piece of inspiration. That included music which fires up my imagination, favourite videos that have always motivated me. Even reminders of films that make me laugh. So when I need a kind of ‘instant’ motivation or confidence in the moment, all I need to do is take a look at my pie chart which I have on the wall of my office. Then I look up the item on You Tube, listen or watch. And it feels good.
I wonder what you will come up with. What have you learnt about yourself? Or perhaps forgotten about yourself? It might motivate you further to know that you can kick anxiety into the past with this exercise.
Ask yourself the following questions and then add the results to your
own pie chart:
Q1: List 5 people you admire. List 5 people you secretly admire. What traits do these people have that you can develop in yourself?
Q2: What 5 things would you personally never do that sound fun?
Q3: What 5 skills that would be fun to have?
Q4: What 5 hobbies sound fun?
Q5: What 5 classes or learning opportunities sound interesting?
Q6: List 5 childhood or adolescent accomplishments. List 5 favourite childhood foods and buy one of them this week to enjoy
Q7: Describe your ideal environment, town, country, cosy? What’s your favourite season and why? Place something, an object that reminds you of this, near your working area or personal space